Release of Person Arrested – Syllabus Update

The College of Policing has announced an update to the 2023 syllabus, affecting all NPPF and NIE exam candidates.

The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 introduced changes to legislation that aren’t fully reflected in the latest official Blackstones’ Manuals. As such, the topics will not be examined in any of this year’s exams.

The affected syllabus areas are as follows:

NPPF Candidates (Sergeants’ and Inspectors’ exams)

2.2.1 (Introduction)

2.2.2 (Person Arrested Elsewhere than at a Police Station)

2.2.3 (Pre-charge Release of Person Arrested and Bail)

2.2.4 (Police Bail After Charge)

NIE Candidates

1.10.1 (Introduction)

1.10.2 (Person Arrested Elsewhere than at a Police Station)

1.10.3 (Pre-charge Release of Person Arrested and Bail)

1.10.4 (Police Bail After Charge)

The changes to legislation primarily relate to Police Bail, such as extending bail periods alongside a lower rank required to authorise; a Custody Officer in the first instance for example.

We recommend that you familiarise yourselves with these topics, regardless of their state in the exam, as they are key pieces of legislation relating to Police Bail.

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