Pass your police legal exam with confidence.

Police Inspire helps you to pass your Sergeants' or Inspectors' NPPF Step 2 Exam, National Investigators' (NIE) Exam or Student Officers' Police Legal Exam with confidence.

Pass your Sergeants' or Inspectors' NPPF Step 2 Exam, National Investigators' (NIE) Exam or IPLDP Police Legal Exam

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Success since 1996


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Our website and mobile app makes studying easy and convenient. Our app is available for Apple and Android devices and is included as part of your subscription.

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Twice as likely to pass


Join our successful candidates

Previous candidates who used our Questions & Answers to study were twice as likely to pass. We’ve been helping aspiring officers to succeed since 1996!


Effective Study Technique

Study the law whilst practicing your exam technique with multiple choice questions (MCQs), a proven and highly successful way to revise; all with comprehensive explanations to consolidate your understanding of the law.

Practice technique vector

Questions & Answers

Learn the law and develop a successful technique to pass your Exam

Blackstones' Syllabus

Always updated to the latest Syllabus and referenced to aid study and revision

Custom Study Sessions

Pick which subjects to answer questions from by building your own study and test sessions

Mock Exams

Take mock exams and test your legal knowledge within the time constraints of the actual exam

Comprehensive Explanations

Build your knowledge and understand the law behind the question

Review Past Attempts

Consolidate your learning by reviewing your past answers and the associated explanation

Image of a Lecturer


Analyse Your Performance

Police Inspire allows you to continually assess your performance as you study, identifying weaker subjects and those areas where you should concentrate your efforts. Review past exams to refresh new knowledge and track your progress over time.

Subject Proficiency

Identify your weakest subjects and see where you should focus your study

Track Your Progress

Monitor your study and performance over time and stay motivated


Enhance and better utilise your study time

Study smarter and not harder with our exam advice, syllabus guidance and study techniques.

Advice & Guidance to help you pass your Sergeants' or Inspectors' NPPF Step 2 Exam, National Investigators' (NIE) Exam or IPLDP Police Legal Exam
Study Community to help you pass your Sergeants' or Inspectors' NPPF Step 2 Exam, National Investigators' (NIE) Exam or IPLDP Police Legal Exam


Social Learning to keep you on track

Connect with other candidates who are also working towards becoming a detective. Social activity keeps you motivated and Study Groups allow social collaboration.

Social Activity

Stay motivated by seeing other candidates study, and provide encouragement

Study Groups

Work together by joining or creating study groups


Work with your fellow candidates and share learning


Pick Your Exam

Our Study Platform covers the Official Syllabus as published by the College of Policing and as found in the Blackstones’ Police Manuals.

Why study with Police Inspire?

Police Legal exams are designed to test your understanding of the law and ensure you are prepared for your future role. At Police Inspire, we provide the tools to help you succeed in passing your College of Policing police legal exam. We’ve been helping officers succeed in passing their exams since 1996 (formerly known as Advance Training). We cover the official syllabus as defined by the College of Policing in the Blackstones’ Police Manuals.

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